O’z DSt 2806.0:2014

O’z DSt 2806.0:2014

Name in English:
O’z DSt 2806.0:2014

Name in Russian:
O’z DSt 2806.0:2014

Description in English:

Fastening elements for flange connections. Bolts, studs, nuts and washers. General technical specifications. Replaces TSt 39.0-023:08

Description in Russian:
Изделия крепежные для фланцевых соединений. Болты, шпильки, гайки и шайбы. Общие технические условия. Взамен TSt 39.0-023:08

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Electronic (pdf/doc)

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Delivery time (for English version):
3 business days

Delivery time (for Russian version):
1 business day


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